Saturday, January 31, 2009


Last night upon coming home from dinner, the headlights caught something on the bank of one of the ponds. I place the lights on it, get out of the car and got a good look at it. Of course, I did not have a camera on hand, but looked it up and determined it was a Nutria after ruling out many other possibilities, since I did not think Nutrias were in Florida, but come to find out they are, as in all the Gulf States and even in places like Idaho. That is the first time in my 9 years in Riverview that I spotted this one. I always like seeing something new or special in the yard.

The Lubber

These gorgeous creatures start out as tiny black nymphs and become these colorful giants.

Friday, January 30, 2009


Beauty Bush

These lovely bushes attract many birds to the yard.

More Red Shouldered Hawk!

The purple martin houses have not been used in the 6 years they have been up, but they do serve as a perch for the red shouldered hawk on occasion. These are definitely some beautiful birds.

Queen's Wreath

The Queen's Wreath is a woody vine I placed on a decaying tree. It has grown as high as the tree itself and in the Spring displays a great number of flowers, making the tree a nice shade of purple.

Milk Weed, Monarch and More!

I try to let the milk weed grow where it wants in the garden to attract butterflies. This particular day, I managed to catch another visitor on the flower. The Monarch can USUALLY be found with the milk weed, but this day found them hovering over the red pentas.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Silk Floss Tree!

I planted this Silk Floss Tree over 5 years ago and finally got a few blooms last year and this year a more significant showing. The interesting spikes on the trunk give this tree great character.

Saturday, January 24, 2009


The beautiful cardinals are all over the yard. They nest in the viburnum hedge, mainly, and have tried in the pineapple guava unsuccessfully. Their chirps greet me in the morning and throughout the day. It is fun to watch them chase each other and play in the trees and shrubs. It has been difficult to get their pictures, too, but keep trying.

Wood Duck

I have been blessed by having wood ducks in the ponds most of the year. The most I have counted was 24 which was last year. Currently, there are about 8, 5 male and three female. I cannot get photos of them unless I am taking them through a window, standing on a ladder and shooting downward. It's tough! The last shot I managed to sneak outside and get a shot of the last ones flying off. Not that clear, but it's the best I have, so far.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Woody Woodpecker!

One of my favorite birds to visit the yard is the Pileated Woodpecker. It's "laughing" call is very distinctive. I managed to catch it taking a drink from the pond. Occasionally it pecks away at the electric poles, which really sends out a loud hammering sound.

The Butterbutts!

The Yellow Rumped Warbler, also known as the Butterbutt, spends part of the Winter in the yard foraging the grass and yard for food. Found several in the dogwood, too.

Hunting In The Fog!

I was heading out to get the paper and out of the corner of my eye saw the hawk perched, waiting to hunt.

The Beautiful Red Shouldered Hawk!

The Red Shouldered Hawk is a common visitor to the yard. I have been fortunate to have them "pose" for me in the yard. Shooting conditions aren't always the best, but have been able to get a few wonderful shots of this bird.